April 22, 2024

I'll Never Be the Same

I'll Never Be the Same

Most people live their lives and go about their daily business doing the best they can, completely unaware that there are dark and nefarious powers at work around them. These influences are political, cultural, and ideological, and at their core, they are all malevolent spiritual forces in high places.

Truthfully, it’s easier to live with scales over our eyes. We don’t have to feel the angst that things are not right, that the world is fallen, and there is a very real enemy planning our demise. Saul needed the scales to be removed so he could see what was real and true.

His eyes were opened, and Saul became Paul. This was a line of demarcation where everything about his life would be different. He was on a mission from God and transformed from the inside out. The world would never look the same again.

All of us need a “Saul to Paul Moment” when the Holy Spirit removes the scales, sets us on His course, clarifies our call, and defines our life’s mission. Mine came last summer on our sabbatical, and I will never be the same. Pray and ask the Lord to remove the scales from your eyes. - Pastor Jimmy